
Sunday, October 14, 2012

A bi-camerun

Saturday was 75 good minutes on the bike. Long warm up, 10 minutes at 150 watts, 15 at 180 watts, then 2x6 at 250+ watts with 3 minutes rest. Then, just for fun, up to over 100 rpm, and constantly running up the gears to the hardest. I sat at 435 watts for 30 seconds and was happy too dial it down after that. Good cool down. Long stretch and core session after.

My resolve about meat was tested yesterday. We took out a couple for a birthday dinner to Smuggler's Inn, which is where she wanted to go. They do steak. She had a taste for prime rib. I think I did really well, in that I didn't bring up XL beef before, during, or after, AND I didn't have beef myself. I had chicken, in case you are wondering, as did Linda.

The plant is starting up again, though once they heard the American inspectors were coming, it's sounding like they are going to shut it down again. The reading I've done about it seems to indicate that the very, very secretive company that owns XL Beef had come to an understanding with the Canadian inspectors, but had no such understanding with the American ones. They've since laid off 2,000 workers, which isn't good for Brooks, since they are by far the largest employer. I still think there is a lot we don't know about the situation, so I remain unshaken in my resolve. I will never again eat commercially prepared beef, unless I'm convinced of it's provenance.

I tried out a new event this morning, the bi-camerun. Here's the photos, untouched. I don't think these need Snapseed.

Just as I started.

Just as I got to the reservoir.

Just before the boat launch.

Coming back, still right beside the reservoir.

I'd just turned left onto the 37 St path. What's a few seconds off a training run to capture beauty like this?

The event is like the biathlon, which as near as I can tell is X country ski till you are just about to puke, then fire a rifle at various targets, with a time penalty for missing. As a side thought, if they put certain politicians up their as the targets, you can be sure nobody would miss.

My event is to run with a camera, and stop to take a few pictures. Pause long enough to let the camera focus, or think you've paused that long, yet not so long you mess up your run times. You can see the 4 spikes in my times for the 4 photos.

But wait! I started with a stretching and easy core session, then 30 minutes easy spin on the bike to get my blood moving. Then run 10 K in 1:04 or so, with another K easy run to cool down, and another K walk home. A lovely cool morning for a run.

My legs felt really happy about running today, even if towards the end my lungs were up at the top of aerobic range. I wasn't particularly trying to run fast, but I could feel some differences in my form, mainly hams and calves conspiring to pick my feet up a bit more. Even on the hills coming back where I normally slow down and never recover, I kept my pace and even increased it a little. Posture and turnover was good. Even though this is one of my quicker 10 K times, it didn't seem like I was running that fast.

Off to stretch a bit more, and later, to the pub for a book club meeting. Not sure if we are discussing The City & The City, or Cloud Atlas.

Oh, and the winter temptation arrived.


  1. Awesome run! Wow, you run a few mins faster than me on the 10k. See - I'm not so speedy after all.

  2. This was one of my better runs, I do have to admit. For most of my running up till now I've been trying to be able to run longer rather than run faster. Assuming of course what I'm doing can actually be called running. Now I'm trying to run faster.

  3. This was one of my better runs, I do have to admit. For most of my running up till now I've been trying to be able to run longer rather than run faster. Assuming of course what I'm doing can actually be called running. Now I'm trying to run faster. Which might get me to an actual run speed where both feet are off the ground at once.

  4. We hadn't had beef in a few weeks prior to the XL incident...thankfully! I'm also not in a rush to purchase beef right now either after this latest scare. I couldn't believe how the recall kept growing and growing and growing.

    I saw your note about going out for an early run on Sunday. Looks like you had some amazing scenery! Now that my runs are getting long I'm going to have to start running outside my neighbourhood to keep the scenery interesting. I always love a good run around the reservoir.

  5. Me and my buddy Sophia (Mama Runs) and Deb (Deb Tris) are flanging up a run into Fish Creek from our place. There is thought of bison burgers after. So far timing is uncertain. Are you interested?


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