
Friday, September 28, 2012

A 30 year conversation

The pool is clear again. Did a hard half hour trying to keep up to the swim club kids next to me. Not. Half hour yes, keep up no. Good swim though.

Here's two of the most famous guys in Calgary. They've been hanging around talking for just over 30 years. I've walked past them any number of times, but never took a photo till now.

By the time I got home Thursday I was ready for a rest day. I was thinking I "should" get on my bike or go for a run, but I was still feeling kind of beat up. Besides, there was a follow up appointment coming to the house.

Friday was a different story. I had a nice food truck lunch (Shwarma) in the park behind the Nexen building with a couple buddies. I haven't been there since I worked for NOVA. Good news, my ex office roomie is back at Talisman on a short term contract, but I bet they extend her. It was hard to go back into the office. It was a perfect summer day. Look at the temperature!

As soon as I got home from work I changed and headed out for a run. No plan, other than to run the way my legs felt like. I was down into Fish Creek, with my legs feeling light and strong. After warming up for the first K, I picked up the pace and ran what felt comfortable and strong. A 6 minute K used to be race pace for me, yet today at that pace for much of the last part of the 5th K I was relaxing and getting ready for the hill.

The really good part of the run was being able to lean forward, and run from my hips. My feet were picking up, and while I was breathing fairly hard, it didn't seem like my legs were working very hard at all. Yay!

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