
Friday, May 25, 2012

One sided yoga

I love my yoga teacher. She's the best one I've ever had. Wed night class was this long flow, lots of side stretches. Right leg forward, going in and out of various warriors, right leg forward, ecstatic dancer, right leg forward, lots of side stretches, and bends and lunges right leg forward, working back through the sequence, and forward again through part of it, and back through it all, right leg forward. Then it was time for this very lovely supported stretch and meditation, and I even did the savasana in the same supported pose.

From a technical yoga perspective, did anyone notice what was, from the exalted point of view of yoga purists, ever so slightly wrong? My left leg was feeling weak and feeble anyways.

Thursday should have been a bike ride. It was nasty out. And besides there was a bit of a reunion from a place I used to work at. One guy has had a bit of a medical adventure over the last couple years and seems to be coming out of it now. Which is nice, and good. So someone organized an evening out with him, and a dozen or so people showed up. It was so nice to connect again with him and his wife, who are as nice a couple as you could ever hope to meet. Plus the other people that showed up.

This is about the balance thing. Not so long ago I would have been bound and determined to get on my bike, and do the workout inside if I had to. Now I'm a bit more relaxed about it, and having an evening with friends is important too. There is more to life than workouts.

Friday morning was getting my dental hygienist scrape and polish my teeth. The coffee and wine builds up, but I consider it my duty to drink them so as to keep her employed. I'm considerate like that.

It's still cold, as in frost warning last night and again tonight. So I didn't want to get out on my bike. Or even inside on my bike. And I'm not feeling the core workout love tonight. I'm tired and sleepy. Tomorrow is a nice run and bike with friends. Looking forward to it.

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