
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stuff. Boobs. Workouts. Volunteer. Fun. Followups.

This is going to be a bit of a hodgepodge of a blog post. I'm the sort of blogger that writes about the things that interest me at the time, rather than one thing all the time. I know for a fact that my readers are interested in at least one thing, since it's done so well in the readership stats, so I'll get to that.

Followup from the really hard time trial spin on Tuesday. I felt pretty good the rest of the day but I was sure feeling it the next day. It's like there was a band of very tired around the bottom of my thighs. My knees creaked when I got out of a chair. I took it easy and did a bit of gentle stretching during the day. Yoga was really good.

I ended up being down town a couple times, and found some new artwork I hadn't seen before. Normally I got through this building on the +15 level.

Thursday into the pool for about 45 minutes. I'm not sure exactly how long since the staff reset the pace clocks in the middle of my swim. I wasn't really looking at lap times, then when I did I was flabbergasted because there was no way it could be right based on my swim. That's when I figured out the reset. It took a long time to find the swim groove and it didn't hang around for long. My shoulders are feeling very stiff and sore. Later I was back on the bike for an hour or so of easy spin, getting my legs going again, thinking about the Spin-a-thon on Saturday.

In the evening I went to a volunteer meeting for the Kid's Right to Play that Martin Parnell is working on. I helped out with the Netball 61, and will be helping out with the Lacrosse 24, coming up soon. If you're looking to volunteer for a Guiness World Record attempt let me know and I'll put you in touch with the volunteer coordinator.

Friday I was out for a run in the beautiful sunshine! This running thing is great when it's nice out. There was a bit of a breeze, but I didn't care. Up to the reservoir and back, trying to find a stride and feeling just a bit clunky the whole way. Oddly enough it was my shoulders hurting the most, and the rest of my core and hips felt stiff too.

I'm going to be trying to deal with some yard issues this year. Here's at least one thing I'll have to work with. Very, very carefully.

There was a big meeting of the lacrosse group for the players to pick up their paperwork, and to do some fundraising. There was a nice silent auction with some pretty good stuff if you're interested in sports.

Saturday was the Spin-a-thon for Brian Martin. I was not feeling the spinning love. Spin time was a bit over 3 hours, with total time just over 4 hours. My problem with these sort of events is that there is the music, the instructor's voice, and sometimes chatting to the people next to you. That last is the most important thing for me. The way my hearing is now, the instructor's voice and the music all blend in together and I can't really make sense of any of it. One of the instructor's voices today sounded a bit like the heavy breathing track of a sex tape.

Still, it was fun to see a bunch of people I know. I met Brian briefly and got a chance to sit in his bike, the one he pedals by hand. Holy crap is that hard!

I chugged away working on my own stuff. There was a break in the action and I got off to eat a bit and refill my bottles. In hindsight this was a mistake. My tummy figured since I'd eaten the workout must be over, and I never really got into it again.

A little while ago I wrote a blog post about a run by the two founding members of the Calgary chapter of the SUAR fan club. A bit after that I ranted about boobs. These two are in the top three of my most popular posts. Earlier this week the boobs rant finally worked it's way into second place.

Since then, the boobs have pulled away, 152 to 148. New readers, I think, coming from some of my political rants. One of which has muscled it's way into the top 10. Which leads me to believe that even in the hottest, most contested election in Alberta in 2 generations, there is still time for boobs. That's a reassuring thought. If you haven't read them and want to, you can scroll back through my archive to the date shown in the image. Who knows? You might find something else interesting to read.

The SUAR fan club is thinking about a run in the Weaselhead to try out both the hills sometime in May, along with another blogger and she knows who she is. Maybe we ought to start talking dates.

The two white wine kits are still doing their thing. Gravity is reliable, but it's slow. I think these are going to take a while before they're ready to bottle, but that's not a surprise for white wine. Besides, it's not like I'm in a rush.

I'd got into Allan Steel's Coyote series, and just read the latest one, where they are exploring a Dyson Sphere. Not as good as I'd hoped it would be. Very superficial. Next book club book is An Unfinished Life, which I'll start reading tonight or tomorrow.


  1. Yes that would be great! I'll email you.

  2. Holy cow! It's almost May already. How did that happen?

    I considered the spin-a-thon, but I'm not quite ready to spend that much time in a saddle... Although, I thought it would have been 5 hours of spinning. I might have been able to handle 3. Maybe next year.

  3. And there were breaks in there too, so it wasn't 3 hrs on the bike, though I've done that. It might have been better for me if I'd stayed on.

  4. I've said it before and I will say it again: I love your attitude.

    You feel "creaky" or "stiff" but never crappy, poopy, rotten. You are so involved and engaged and active. I don't know you well, but I find you very inspiring.

    You also had me at "boobs".

  5. Thanks Stephanie! I'm here, I figure I might as well enjoy the ride. It makes my day to learn that someone finds me inspiring, thanks so much! I think I got everybody at "boobs".


Looking forward to reading your comment!