
Monday, April 16, 2012

Busiest day in a very long time

What a day! I always thought time was invented so everything doesn't happen at once. Here's a quick recap. So quick, it doesn't do a rant about resumes. I had to put mine into a different format for a recruiter, and that was a GRRRRR experience for a bunch of reasons. But I want to go to bed, and don't want to work myself up any more than I already am, otherwise I'll get no sleep at all.

There is a medical test done to people about my age. As medical tests go it's pretty invasive, and involves a day of preparation. Most people are a bit squeamish about the subject. Today was a 2 hour consultation to inform me about the test. There was a presentation on why it's done, what the alternatives are, and why they aren't as good. Much discussion about doing the preparation right, otherwise you have to do it all over again. Then a short individual meeting to go over your family medical history and own issues. Even for such a tense setting my heart rate was 44 bpm, and my blood pressure was 117 / 67 I think. The appointment is made.

From there I swam for a bit over a half an hour in the 50 m pool, mainly thinking about stroke mechanics, and channeling Jono van Hazel, the smoothest freestyle in the world. Especially starting around the 1:20 mark. Wow. Did some 100 m intervals, 105 seconds down to 92 seconds, not trying to be fast, but trying to be smooth. That channeling thing. At first swimming in the 50 m pool seemed so slow, but I'm getting used to it. I'll probably swim into the wall first time back in 25 m.

Sat in the parking lot for a half hour talking to a recruiter about some clients they want to present me to. Which explains the resume thing I was doing this evening.

Home. Check on a buddy's Boston Marathon result. I suspect it's not as quick as she'd have liked it to be, but it was frigging hot! Run a half hour, just to get my legs moving. They weren't so keen on the concept.

Lunch. Shower. Head out for an interview, and do that. I think it went pretty good, but we'll see if they make an offer. Shopping. Hang out at Banker's Hall a bit because I know where to get free Wi-Fi and catch up on my mail. Chat to a buddy about job issues. Pick up Linda. Go to accountant to get tax forms picked up and leave behind a cheque. I have to pay the government a couple hundred dollars. Yay! Why? Because that means the government isn't hanging onto my money. I'm hanging onto theirs.

Home. Supper. Then struggle with the resume translation. Not fun. Blog. Bed.

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