
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Even my inner polar bear knows better

I don't mind running in cold weather at all. But this is a bit much. Just a bit.

Here's the kitchen window. Frosted up even before we started dinner.

Here's me after about 20 minutes of shoveling the driveway and sidewalk. A 30 minute run would probably have me carrying a pound of ice on my face. No thanks. Yes, my face was beginning to go red. A minute of handling a metal key ring outside had my fingers going numb. Running outside is a stupid idea, even though I'm wanting to run. Yes, that hat is warm. Just warm enough.

Instead I got on my bike for a short intense workout. Warmed up. 5 minutes on, 3 minutes easy, increasing the brake in between each set, which drives up the watts by about 10 or 15 w at the same cadence. The 4th one was getting towards the retaste zone so I backed off. Cooled down I guess I didn't wait long enough after dinner.

I'm seeing strong improvement in how long I can stay at less than peak effort, but the curve drops pretty dramatically, as illustrated in this fancy high tech graph. (I can just see DC Rainmaker covering his face with his hands.)

Working to push the Now curve over to the right. Lots over to the right. And up too, that would be good. Advice from my readers please and thank you. I know what wattage the bend in the graph happens at. Should I be spending my time at the bend and pushing to maintain it longer, or should I spend it closer to the bottom of the graph where I can only maintain the effort for a few minutes? I realize I need to do both, but what's the balance between them?


  1. It really depends what you want. Do you want to be a well rounded cyclist? A sprinter? Or a time trialist as most triathletes would aim for. I won't assume anything with you, I myself don't care at all about the short stuff(I'm working on the hump as in my FTP) even though it is fun to sprint with my cyclist buddies. You should really get this book, it's the only book you'll ever need to buy/read once it comes to training with power. Or maybe you have already?

  2. Huh. Something is weird. I got an email with a comment from Darryl. It shows up in the overall comments list as being here. But it's not. Neither is it in spam. Maybe it will show up later, but it's had all night.

    In any case, Darryl said "It really depends what you want. Do you want to be a well rounded cyclist? A sprinter? Or a time trialist as most triathletes would aim for. I won't assume anything with you, I myself don't care at all about the short stuff(I'm working on the hump as in my FTP) even though it is fun to sprint with my cyclist buddies. You should really get this book, it's the only book you'll ever need to buy/read once it comes to training with power. Or maybe you have already? "

  3. Thanks Darryl. No, I don't have that book, but I'll check it out.

  4. Ta Da! There's his comment. I forgot I had cleverly selected to have any post with a link in it go to my pending file for approval. I figured that almost all comments with a link in them would be spam. The book looks really good, I'm trying to see if I can get a copy for my iPad. Thanks Darryl!

  5. Did you do that drawing all by yourself?

  6. Running tonight was cold but it warmed up from this morning, -23 v -31 deg C. So I did run, and ran longer than I expected....felt great except for where it reminded me I need real winter running tights/pants. Like your graph, looks real professional. ;)

  7. All by myself. It would have looked better doing it on the iPad, but then I didn't want to be bothered getting it onto the computer. (A whole extra step.) So I drew it with my mouse. With a cat helping.

  8. I was so impressed going out after work, it seemed so warm! I didn't even zip up my jacket or put on a hat. Went to yoga instead of running, and it turned out to be a really good class, but I was wanting to go for a run. MEC has good stuff at very reasonable prices.

  9. I saw your post! I am craving my yoga class, but unfortunately, she won't have it tomorrow since someone else already booked the space tomorrow night.

    I should go to MEC. The only problem with MEC is that the lengths tend to be a bit short on me, which makes me sad. Also, unless shopping is on the way to work-daycare-Evie's swimming-Evie's anything, makes it hard for me to go out of the way to shop. I am so in desperate need of clothes since I lost 10-12 lbs last year, it's crazy.

  10. Try the mens section. Though I still ended up with one pair of tights that are a bit snug, and a bit shorter than I'd like. The current ones, the ones I wore Saturday are great. The length would probably be right for you. My buddy Jenn does a yoga session on Tues and Thurs, I think, over on Edmonton trail and 10th street or so.


Looking forward to reading your comment!