
Saturday, November 26, 2011

movie and good bike

Actually, the movie isn't of a good bike ride. When I got up the dawn was looking really nice so I set up my phone for a time lapse. This one isn't what you'd call dramatic, though the colours of the sunrise are pretty good. The clouds are ok, but there is lots of other stuff happening. The shadow of the streetlamp makes a great hour glass. There are interesting reflections, some of which I understand, and some I don't. There is snow melting, and people walking by. At one point a city truck pulls up, and a couple people cover over some graffiti on the street lamps. Enjoy

While it was going I was on my bike, pedaling hard. This was one of the best bike workouts I've ever had. You have no idea how good this feels after the many crappy workouts last year. Here's the highlights:
45 minutes at 1.8 w per goal kg, at 85 rpm. Breathing good and steady. Mid zone 3 or so.
15 minutes at 2.0 wat 83 rpm. This is working a little harder, but still aerobic. I'm not sure how much more I could have gone.
5 minutes at 2.3 w at 90 rpm. This is getting into zone 4 and I was beginning to feel the burn a little.

In between all that was some speed work and focus on smoothing out the jiggles at 120 rpm. Total of 2.5 hrs.

I've looked at the video a couple of times more. I really should wash the outside of that window, and tilt the camera up and face a bit more south.

Now, before the sunlight goes entirely, it's BBQ time! And wine, though not sure which one.


  1. I like how the shadows're street is a heckuva lot busier than mine!

  2. OK...that's posted by my "real name" and not my pseudonym

  3. It is a fairly busy road, sort of the main loop through the neighbourhood. Lots of people heading out for holiday shopping I think.

  4. I think it depends on how you are logged in to blogger, or google, or something. At least nobody can track back to you, since there is no email.


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