
Thursday, November 17, 2011


A quickie tonight. First, last night. So much fun with these people.

No need to name names. If you know their names, you know who they are, and if you don't, telling you their names won't help. At least 4 of them are famous. You are looking at about 2 dozen Ironman race finishes here. Sorry about the poor quality, I'd forgotten to turn the flash on, and had to play with the photo a bit. We were at the Highwood for dinner. So yummy!

I was nicely full after. Rack of Lamb was pretty good, but I can do better on my own BBQ. The other courses were super. Duck foi gras. mmmmmm. There was so much chitchat and laughing and having a good time. Slept like a rock once I got home.

Tonight I'd planned to get on the bike, but we were late getting home. Plus it was so weird. My office recently has been just the right temperature, or even slightly warmer. Nice. Today mid afternoon, I started feeling cold. I wrapped my scarf around my neck, and was thinking about putting on a sweater. I was feeling a bit headachy, and just wanted to end the day.

So when I finally did get home, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to spin, and I didn't. I had some comfort food, tried to give our cat a lap and WAS SPURNED by the rotten mammal. Washed dishes and knowing my faithful audience was waiting eagerly for me, pounded out this blog. It's about 8:10, and in about 10 minutes I'm going to be in bed.

Calgary is going into the deep freeze for the first time this winter. Check out THIS forecast you temperature weenies! -20 C is -4 F. And that's the HIGH.

I'm planning to run tomorrow. I'll post a photo of the 'mo tusks, if they develop properly.


  1. Yums, Highwood is a fantastic place!

    I ain't runnin' tomorrow, but I will Sun am...which appears to be about the same temp as tomorrow. 1st timer. Should be fun.

  2. Dress warm, but not too warm. Dial back on your pace a bit so you aren't working your lungs too hard. Should be fun!

  3. some of my favorite Calgarians in this pic!!

  4. What's your pace? Would you consider running with me sometime (if you don't mind me slowing you down....).

  5. My pace really depends on a lot of things, but I'd be happy to run with you. There's a nice run along Nose Creek not far from your place, though I'm not sure if there's construction along the path. Or I could take you down through Fish Creek.

  6. Is that Shannon and his wife in that pic?!?!?!? YAY!!

  7. I can be tough. I will be tough. But, the first couple really cold runs are hard to do...

  8. Is that Jill? I can't tell with the street clothes. Have fun running outside! Can't say I am sad to be missing running in these temps.

  9. Yikes! I'm going to have to knit you a sweater. Of course, that will probably take me several months, but... Yikes! It's only November!

  10. Yes. Do you know which ones?

  11. First time at anything is hard. Running in cold is easier than running in heat.

  12. Yes, one of them is Jill. Does she look so different all dressed up?

  13. We normally get some cold weather about now. This isn't bad at all, don't even have to dress especially carefully yet.

  14. After work one day? We could run the scenic route up to your place, and meet Linda there.

  15. I like this idea...but I work until 5 pm and then after it may require a little juggling and stuff, as I normally am the one picking up Evie from daycare (her daycare is kitty corner from my work). Once Kris comes to get us (meaning her) then yes, we can run together!! We'll chat. :)


Looking forward to reading your comment!