
Monday, July 18, 2011

It was hot but I pedaled anyways

How hot is it? 29 C (84 F), and by Calgary standards it was not a dry heat. 51% humidity is ridiculous! This sort of crap is why I moved out of Ontario. I think I'll be sleeping in the basement tonight.

Still, I was determined to get out on my bike and get my legs going around again. They feel pretty good after yesterday's run, but I was thinking a nice easy spin around the neighbourhood would do them good. My average cadence ended up being 92, which is a nice number. Not prime of course, but still nice. I'm happy. My legs are happy.

Rode 45 minutes, almost all of it easy, with one stronger bit for 10 minutes where I pushed the pace a little bit. Not really hard, but just a bit, enough to feel some effort in the pedals.

Even that light effort was enough to come in pretty wet from sweat. There's lots of people that would think this is nice and cool, perfect weather for a big effort, but for here it's hot.

I guess I wasn't clear about my two recruits from the weekend. These are the last of the Special Edition kits I bought over the winter and picked up a while ago. Normally such kits are ready in 6 weeks, and I've bottled lots of them at or just after the 6 week mark. But for these the 6 weeks came and went, and I was busy with other stuff. The white was a little slow to settle, but that's ok. Wine is all about not rushing. In the end getting the two kits bottled was the big task for the weekend. That part of the basement looks sort of empty. Now I don't have any kits to work on, so the cellar will have to survive the depredations of the thirsty till January at the earliest.


  1. The heat was brutal yesterday! I was lazy since I'd just done a race. :)

  2. 98% humidity here and 96 degrees (36C) and I'm not complaining - much - as Fargo was worse! Thank goodness no one lives there.

  3. Umm.. that humidity and that temperature were at different times of day; otherwise you'd have heard that everyone and everything here died.


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