
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ran instead of watching IMCDA

This morning was cold and wet. Katie and I talked, and decided today wasn't the best day to be doing a run critique. Maybe we should have gone for it anyway, since it stopped raining and was actually a nice day for a run. Tried to get the video for IMCDA, since several buddies are in it, but nothing. So I figured I'd run. Later Julie reminded me it worked on Firefox and I watched a bit.

Once I saw sunshine I got my buns into gear. Downstairs for 15 minutes of stretching and leg exercises. Then out, heading north towards the reservoir. I last did this route with Cath, but today I went further with much less effort. Today I went just past the boat docs, for a total of 12.8 K in 91 minutes. That's 7:05 per K, (11:26 per mile) and even better, my average heart rate was 131, breathing was even and regular. The max heart rate was only 144 bpm. That is a big improvement over even just a few weeks ago. My legs felt strong and steady, if not quite light and fast. But steady is what I'm aiming for here. Out was 45 minutes, back was 46. Out is generally downhill, but today was into a stiff wind.

Normally this part of the path is doggie central, but I only saw a few dogs today, and even fewer runners. I guess they're afraid of rain or something. I thought a lot about posture and run stride today, especially after the hour mark where I was getting  a little bit sloppy. That helps. I counted my cadence a couple times, the first was 85 per minute, and the second was 83. Walked and stretched afterward.

What's more important is getting into the groove of running 3x a week, and starting to see improvement. It's been a bit off and on over the last while. I'd run, and it would feel good at the time, but then it was several days before my legs felt up to running again, even though my knee wasn't hurting. There were several times where if I'd been on the training mill, I'd have probably gone, which might have led to another injury.

This last week I've had 3 good runs and a strong bike. I'm still not back to where I was last year, but I'm getting there. Life is good.

Weekly Summary
Bike 2.0 hrs
Run 2.5 hrs
Core some.

1 comment:

  1. yes, my latest post has the word "triathlon" in it. Don't worry; I said about what you'd expect.


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