
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Turns out I had lots of time

The idea this morning was to roll out of bed and get a run done before it snowed. The weather people were making it sound like the end of civilization or something, but that's because they're from Toronto. Pronounced Trawna, for those that care.

I suspect that of all my readers, only the musicologist TG of F,  knew that Cheap Trick had recorded the entire Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Live. It must have been an amazing show. Cheap Trick has been my fave rock and roll band for years, and I was delighted to find the album. That was the soundtrack for the core workout this morning. Pre run. Nice. My knee was a little cranky getting up, but felt great during the session. One leg squats felt pretty good, and even reasonably stable. 2 minutes of plank. Lots of other stuff, including 2x10 pushups, and pretty good ones if I say so myself.

Then out for a run. It was pretty cloudy and I wouldn't have been surprised to have it snowing before the end of the run. But it didn't. Started easy, out toward the path, running carefully. There is a lot of ice all over the sidewalks and bike path from the recent melt. I rand down 37 st, up the hill, along the path beside the school, around the curve past my vet, and up to Anderson in 40 minutes exactly, trying to run smoothly and paying a lot of attention to posture. All of this was breathing easy, easy enough that several times I closed my mouth to breath through my nose for a dozen strides. Stupid snot. Otherwise I could have gone longer.

There was a brief moment at 30 minutes where my knee was not happy. It felt like my right heel was sliding inward and forward all by itself, even after it had planted. Very odd feeling. Stopped very briefly to stretch.

Ran back to the house past the Hull home, and around behind the house. The last K was 6:40 trying to run exactly the same speed as the rest of the run, but was probably just a little bit faster. Maybe. The whole run was relaxed and very nice. I could have chatted the entire time. I only slipped once, very slightly, and I ran on a lot of ice. That tells me I'm landing nice and square under my body, and not trying to push off too hard. Nailed the clothing perfectly.

As of 9pm, no snow. But it's good that I got it out of the way early. The rest of the day was puttering around the house in a semi-productive way. Estela is in the car, ready for tomorrow's spin session. My legs are a little tired, but not so bad. 13 weeks exactly to go before I deal with some race baggage.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha...since I'm home alone on a Saturday get two blog comments in one day from me!

    I have a few CT standards on my playlist, (Dream Police, Surrender, I Want You to Want Me), so I'll admit I did not know that CT did a Sgt. Pepper album, but I bet Betty might. She's a pretty rabid CT fan.


Looking forward to reading your comment!