
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nearly 3000 comments and still counting

Monday swim was good. Solid hour, lots of different stuff to keep from being bored. Then another 15 minutes of core in the dive tank. Leg exercises later.

Tues was 45 minutes of core, including 90 seconds plank. Yay! Plus 4 slow good form pushups. There is improvement. My knee hasn't been bothering me at all, even during today's 36 minute run. Nice and easy 5K, some of which was on that sandy textured snow that slides back about as fast as you're trying to run forward. Most of the run felt quite strong, breathing easy. The last half K or so had a bit of a niggle in my left calf, up high under the knee. I'd been thinking about extending the run but decided not to.

I'm up to nearly 3000 comments. Thank you to one and all for doing so, all writers love to hear back from their readers. I'm mulling what to do about this momentous milestone. Shall I reward the commenter that ticks the odometer over, so to speak? Shall I just name them and do my humble bit to shamelessly promote their blog? Which in some cases would be like me giving triathlon advice to Chrissie Wellington. If I had stuff to give away, like SOME bloggers, I might do that. But I'm cheap, and not big on giveaways. So I don't know. Maybe I'll surprise you.


  1. Glad to hear your knee is feeling better... be careful out there!

  2. Good to hear the knee is improving. I had a problem with one of my knees in the summer, and it's no fun.

  3. 3003 here!!! Oh wait, you said nearly, sooooo I could be 3000. Is there a prize for that Keith?

  4. Shamelessly trying, I hope I don't get dq'd

  5. I have a couple extra GU sample packs available right now. If you want to do the shipping, I'll give you the sample pack as a prize to your readers. Let me know.

  6. Wow...3000? How do you count that?

  7. Niggle ... such a cute word. ;)

  8. You over 3000 yet or should I keep commenting?

  9. Thanks for the cookies....:) :)

  10. Pffttt! 3000? What? Are you counting in Base 1000?

    Hahahahahaha! KERTWANG!1!

    That would make me you four thousandth.


Looking forward to reading your comment!