
Monday, November 1, 2010

Face down, and not from the sugar hangover

I had no Halloween candy this year. None at all. Handed it out per expectations to the mabye 30 to 40 kids. Many of them need to be coached to say Trick or Treat. What IS this world coming to?

Swam 45 minutes this morning mostly in a lane by myself. Lots of warmup, trying a new breathing tip, but I'm not sure how well it works. Guys are so gross! I had an experience in the locker room that gives me the shudders just to think about. One of the regulars must have had beans in a major way last night. The expected biological imperatives happened. Loudly. Often. Prominently. Proudly even. Gawd.

After a busy morning, and lunch, and some errands I came home and essentially fell off the world. I blame Amelia the Cat. I thought I'd give her a bit of a combing while I considered the next thing to do, and next thing I knew I was struggling awake as the herd of busses were dropping off the school kids. I'm still not feeling totally with it.

I'd been thinking about running this afternoon, so much for that idea. If I was very ambitious I'd go this evening. I think we all know how that is going to turn out. What was that ELF was saying about excuses?


  1. How in the world did you disburse but not consume?

    I bow to you sir!

  2. Wow you must have insane will power!! I had to buy more Halloween candy because I bought too earlier and consumed it all.

    I agree, guys are gross!!


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