
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

ART/Chiro/Yoga nearly did me in today

The day started well enough. Hardly anyone in the pool today. Swam one hour in a lane all to myself. Warmup, solid pace swim. Kick. Drill. Some 100's pretty consistently in 105 seconds starting on 2 minutes, more drill, kick, cool down.

Going into ART I could feel my back was a bit tight, and dreaded the one move that clicks the very low back. Sure enough, I tightened up and it didn't work. So he flipped me over and really reefed on me. There was a click, but I walked out of there feeling a little out of sorts. He had also really used his scraper tool hard on my knee. Lots of discomfort.

Iced the knee and leg, then ended up napping a bit while listening to a podcast. Considering I've been sleeping well, this was a bit of a surprise.

Yoga was full of stuff I don't like. Child pose and a zillion stretches and variants from it. Side plank that I didn't even try. An Earth salutation that I find tough going at the best of times. At least there was a good shoulder stretch I liked; up to the ears on the inhale, then down and out and back on the exhale. And there was shoulder stand using a bolster. I had my feet up almost before the words were out of her mouth. That's my happy place.

Prolotherapy tomorrow. I am anxious.

Volunteering at the spinathon on the weekend. If you're looking for a good spin session and raising money in a good cause (what a horrible thing to have happened to Janelle) let me know and I'll send you the details.


  1. I am envious of your swimming! It takes me 2 minutes to go 100 yards ... I am so darn slow. Had to laugh at the yoga comments. I've never tried it myself. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I hate child's pose. I know it should be relaxing but it HURTS. Crappy about your back, I hate the clicking. Makes me nauseous!

    I've had prolotheraphy in my hip before and it's not so bad. If you like needles. Which I don't!

    I'll see you at spinning tonight!! I changed my mind yet again and signed up for Chris' class. I just don't work as hard on my own. Will I die? No making fun of me!!

  3. Dude, all three of those in a day? No kidding!
    Can you send me the info for the spin-a-thon?


Looking forward to reading your comment!