
Friday, October 1, 2010


Today looked beautiful out, as long as you ignored the leaves going sideways. And a thermometer that was barely out of double digits. Celsius digits of course. I dithered about what to wear, and ended up with a long sleeve jersey under a short sleeved jersey, and shorts. Perfect!

22X to 22, to Plummers Road, right, up to the Priddis mall, back to road going west, and come out on the Priddis Golf course road again, then home on 22X. Strong wind out of the SE the entire time, getting stronger throughout. Or I was getting weaker. Comes to the same thing. The last stretch along 22X was one of the strongest crosswinds I've had to deal with. Especially since the bike lane is narrow there. I'm guess the wind was 35 to 45 Kph, based on how it felt on the short downwind stretch on the way home. On the bike for 2 hrs 40 minutes, about 65 km. Short transition, then a 20 minute run, nice and easy. Legs felt pretty good over all, and they were actually spinning for a while on the bike, I could feel it in my core.

I haven't taken a photo of Estela for a while, and thought I'd do that while she's nice and clean, and it's a sunny day. She's so good to me.

This is near the east end of Plummer's Road. Look for the Canadian flag standing out straight in the wind, near the house on the left.

I took this just for fun, while I was singing Me and my Shadow. First photo taken while actually riding. Not sure I'll do that again.

Stats. I looked at my blog stats and was astonished to discover the following:

  • I get more traffic from Leana's blog than any other. Like twice as much. Not sure why. Someone, or several someones there loves me. Thank you! Darryl, you're in second place and gaining recently. You'll have to try harder.
  • The most popular post, by far, over the last month and for all time, is Stock at Large means only one thing.  Again, I have no idea why. It's not long. It's not witty. There are no pics of naked boobies, but that describes all my posts. There's no blood or gore. I don't get it. Oh, now I do, when looking at my search terms. One of them is "Planet Fitness Stock". All is clear now.
  • The strangest search term is -"with flippers" photo , which isn't bad, all things considered.
  • I'm just past 21,500 visits, over not quite 2 years and 874 posts. As always, thank you for reading, and even bigger thanks for commenting.


  1. I used to take photos while riding when I was on my hybrid, but I haven't attempted it yet on my road bike. You're brave...

    I haven't looked at my stats in awhile.allays entertaining.

  2. The wind that was blasting here last Sunday blew me off my mountain bike. As I said to Susi, it blew so hard I couldn't even swear. LOL!!

    Miss you, buddy. :)

  3. I attached my camera to my bike with a bend-y tripod. I was scared for my camera the entire time! I did get a couple good pictures.

    Interesting blog stats... too funny about planet fitness stock!!

    I am considering getting an Iphone. I was just taking pictures with J's phone and they turn out pretty well! I still want a better real camera though!!

  4. Were you signing that while taking the picture? You are talented my friend.

    Ahhh wind. Will we ever live a wind free training life? (don't answer that.)

    Good to see you on FB, my friend!


Looking forward to reading your comment!