
Friday, September 10, 2010


I have been taking it easy lately. Wed night was the first yoga class of the season. Fiona started us off easy, lots of gentle stretches that felt really good. Though she did sneak Tree in there. Right leg as almost good, things were a bit wobbly with the left. Nearly went to sleep in corpse pose.

After the swim on Tues, even though it was pretty short and gentle, I was feeling a bit tired and creaky. The intent was to swim on Friday, but here it is, almost over, and I'm not going swimming. But I have napped! I'm very happy about that.

Recovery is going well, I think. I don't feel bad at all. My left leg is a bit creaky, one of the left toenails has gone black, and I'm sleeping like a rock. But I'm still feeling a bit, I don't know, depleted?

Not sure what the weekend will bring. Perhaps more napping, though I'm thinking I've had two weeks of almost complete slug-itude, so it's time to get moving again. Maybe after just another cookie, and one more nap. yesssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. I have been wanting to try and work yoga into my routine regularly, it sounds so relaxing and strengthening!

    I think you have earned your weeks of taking it easy, you're an Ironman!

  2. I just made Kit-Kat/Reese Pieces cookies. Melt. In. Your. Mouth. Maybe I'll send you some.


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