
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shortest easiest cycle in a very long time

It was actually hot out today. I think the weather people said it reached 28 C (82F) and yes I know there are much hotter places. It doesn't need to get any hotter here, thank you very much.

I wanted to move lots more yesterday but decided that the swim was good enough. Today I went out into the heat and rode around the neighbourhood, exploring lots of streets and cul de sacs that I've never been on. Rode for an hour and came back only because I had to go to the bathroom. There are perils of hydrating too much, especially when you're wearing blue shorts, not the usual black. Average rpm over the hour was 91, which seems good to me. Very low effort. There were still a few twinges at the higher rpms.

Mostly the hams have recovered, but they're still not as right as I'd like them to be. Let's see what acupuncture tomorrow does. Weather is supposed to be nice for the weekend so I'll probably do a long easy ride. Unless my coach comes up with something more specific.

I am in fear of July 15. I have a Stampede Breakfast put on by the agency I'm contracting through, AND a Stampede BBQ lunch put on by the company I'm actually working at. Burp. Unfortunately, neither will be at one of the beer tents that have sprung up throughout the city. Pity. The waitresses at them are chosen specifically for being very pretty, and being willing to be quite undressed in exchange for monster tips.


  1. It would be more economical for you to skip the beer tents and just stay home to watch Skinamax, no?

  2. do your work and get over to the beer tent! Isnt the heat crazy!

  3. There are perils of hydrating too much, especially when you're wearing blue shorts, not the usual black.

    I'm sorry but you're going to have to spell these perils out for me. I get the over-hydrating part ... but the blue shorts? Is it cos it's easier to tell if you go wee-wee on yourself when your shorts are blue?

    Mmmmm ... undressed beer maids ... with beeeeerrrr ..

  4. I'd get your ass over to the beer tents with the quite undressed beer maidens. Now.


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