
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Doing the Wild Thing

Linda is on vacation so I hit the pool at soon as it opened. This is the first time I've ever been to Renfrew for the opening, and what a mob! There was nearly two dozen people standing there waiting. Lively conversation, since almost all of them are regulars.

Shared a lane with 3 other people at first, including one of the lifeguards that work there. After a while I was swimming alone. And no, there are no bruises on my elbows, why would you think so? Just over an hour. Swam 100 m pretending I had a band on. 10x100 with 10 seconds rest, done in 19:50 though I didn't get that 10 seconds each time, since I had to stay ahead of the guy that won't let me pass if I should get behind him and I'd rather be short of breath. Chatted with Tex. He's a guy from Texas that did Kona last year, and swims at Renfrew pretty regular. Stretched shoulders after.

My legs are beat from the biking the last couple days. I have to take Estela in for a spring tune up tomorrow, so I figured I'd get a good night at yoga instead of having another sufferfest like last week, run tomorrow instead of riding, since it's going to be rainy and cold and I don't mind running in the wet and cold. With any luck the weekend will be nice enough to catch up on the ride.

Yoga was good, working on lots of things that need stretching. I know you're wondering about someone my age doing the Wild Thing. Start in Downward Dog. Lift one leg and stretch it out straight behind you. Then bend at the knee and try to touch your toes to your butt. Now stabalize, if you haven't already, lift that bent knee out to the side and slide the toes across the mid-line of the body. Stretch. Look at your toes over your shoulder, if you can. I can't. My shoulders are the painful part of this.


  1. Your bike legs are coming out....Muahahahahahahahahaah!!

  2. My shoulders are the painful part of this.

    Wrong. The painful part of this was the mental image of you doing it.


    Still hurts.

  3. Dang, I had high hopes for this post and they were dashed with images of you doing yoga!


Looking forward to reading your comment!