
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Ride of the Nigglies

Only my music was a combination of Weird Al Yankovic and P. D. Q. Bach. Not Wagner. Sigh. And no tall, beautiful, battle-hardened blonde maidens carried me off afterward. Even bigger sigh.

Core went per plan, even the plank. Yay! Had to be careful during the lunges since my knees weren't liking that much.

The first 45 minutes or so of the bike was one niggle after another. Just about everything got into the act, but I pressed on. I promised my coach I'd only be getting off if there was actual pain. More than transient pain. IT HAS TO BE PAIN THAT NEARLY MAKES YOUR EYEBALLS EXPLODE!!! was what she said. Well, maybe not that much. (Yeah, she did give me a bit of a pep talk. Whatever gave you that idea?)

Got through 3 sets of 10 minutes of good bike stuff, and gradually felt better as the ride went on. In fact, the 75 minute mark came, and I probably could have gone on, but I was mostly cooled down by then. Legs felt pretty good. Stretched and lightly rollered. Writing now a bit later, there are a few tingles happening, so I'm going to ice them in a bit.

And what happened to The Loose Moose???? Wordpress has eated her blog! We love you LuMu, come back!


  1. Stick with the lunges...I swear they've made my life so much better since I started!

  2. Note that PDQ's birthday was last week. For all he did, I doubt he ever did any "good bike stuff."

    Way to get back at it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You're right! LuMu has been disappeared! That is weird.

    Someone claiming to be she left a comment on my 5k race report last night, but I don't know why she would delete her blog!

  5. A real trainer ride complete! YAY!!!!

  6. I'm here - just taking a blogging break. Fear not, though. I will NOT be taking a break from reading/commenting on my favorite Kanadian's blog.

    Oh, crap. Don't tell that OTHER Kanadian I know that I just called you my favorite. He'd pout for months.

  7. Since when does a blogging break mean "deleting my blog?" I'm hopeful you'll come back with a better header picture. ;) Miss you already.

    Keith: Just thinking about the plank hurts. I don't think you should mention it for a while. And thank you.


Looking forward to reading your comment!