
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ahhhhh, and first outdoor run of the year in shorts

At last. After a couple of brutal weeks of bike workouts, or rather, the lack of them, I'm back in the groove. Within a few minutes of getting on the bike I knew things would be pretty good. I finally got through the workout listed for last Thursday, for 1.5 hrs. Spin is good, legs are feeling much better, much stronger. My heart rate is back in the expected range, and my breathing is more normal. Much better. I still didn't over do it, as I had a run right after. I've still no real idea of what was wrong, other than lingering fallout from that horrible cold I had. Or my muscles were doing things like building new cells and getting stronger, and didn't want me doing much with them in the mean time, sort of like how you can't do much in a room that you are renovating.

The run was pretty good too. I've got the lacing almost right. I got into a nice pace right off, and all was good for 25 minutes, when I started getting that knee twinge again. I experimented with a walk run for the last bit of the run. 30 minutes running altogether. Mostly it felt good. Shoes are fine, though I've got a bit of additional support on the outside of my feet, and I can feel the difference.

I looked in my Yoga Anatomy book (by Leslie Kaminoff, and highly recommended) and I think the muscles that are hurting are the top ends of the Soleus, or the Tibialus Anterior. Rollered them and other parts of my legs while stretching after the run. I have to look for stretches for them, if there are any.

It's about freezing here, a few of the ice patches are melting, but just barely. No wind and very sunny. So I wore shorts and a long sleeved tech shirt for my run. My hands were the coldest part of my body. However, I did not wear the shorts I biked in. I dried off and changed. Part of the problem is that those particular shorts are blue and orange. The least little bit of sweat and it looks like I peed myself. That's not an attractive look, even if it might be a necessary look. I'll stick to basic black shorts, thank you. No, I didn't buy them, I won them at the Canmore Oly last year.

Weekly Summary
Swim 3.25 hrs
Bike 3.5 hrs
Run .75 hrs
Walk .5 hrs
Core 4.0 hrs
Total 12.0 hrs

Lastly, some expected sad news has just this minute arrived. Linda's younger brother has passed away. He was only 38, and leaves a wife and two kids in their early teens. He found out just over a year ago that he had cancer. I'm not going to try to spell which kind, and it hardly matters. Once the funeral arrangements have been made we'll fly out to attend. So if I'm not commenting or responding to email later this week, that's why. 
This is one of the reasons why I have not been upset with being either unemployed or underemployed for the last year or so. He no doubt would have changed places with me in a heart beat. In comparison Linda and I have lifestyle choices.
We're getting to the age where funerals are going to be an increasing part of our social obligations. It just reminds me that we have to make the most of each day, enjoy the people you are with, and appreciate what you have.


  1. to both of you, I am so sorry for your loss - you said it right Keith - we have choices - he had none. Hug Linda for me!

    A run in shorts? I hate you. I hope it looked like you pissed yourself. My 21 k run today -20 something. Brrr.

  2. Ahhhh nice to hear your rides are getting better Keith. I have a pair of shorts like that, I still will wear them at the gym. I rather enjoy the funny looks I get when the sweat stain runs nicely down the crotchal region.

    Sorry about the loss Keith, that's quite young and leaving kids. That's really sad. :(

  3. You are a braver man than I am shorts for me. I was heavily layered for my run today!! Very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother in law. If I had the ability to eliminate one disease, cancer would be it.

  4. Keith, thanks for the message and it was great to 'meet' ya, via FL's site no less. And I'm truly sorry to hear of your loss. Take care, chat with you soon. Best, Jeff

  5. Sorry to hear about the passing of Linda's Brother.

  6. Wow. 38 years old.
    That is just not fair. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

  7. Condolences to you and Linda. You are so right about appreciating what we have and not focusing on what we do not. Life goes on for us, there are others that are not so fortunate.
    Take care and travel safe.

  8. Firstly Keith my condolences to you both!! My motto for years is life is too short.... and even though i do i try not to wast any of it....
    Secondly i have a small degree of dislike for you this very second due to your run in shorts! I just did a 5k tt with my new strap on to your runners spikes....why i have waited this long to try such a device is beyond me!
    Hugs to you both!

  9. My heart goes out to both you and Linda. I am so sorry to hear this news. God bless.

  10. Thank you to everyone for your kind words. They are much appreciated by Keith & I. Linda.

  11. Please accept my condolences. Hang in there.

  12. Oh my god, Keith, I'm so sorry! Here's sending you and Linda a huge heart felt hug down the highway. You're a storming couple, so will undoubtedly support each other enormously through it. Jase and I are thinking of you both, take care xxx

  13. I'm so sorry to hear of it, even though I'm a little late. We'll be thinking of you and the family! All our best.

  14. Keith, I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. My heart goes out to you and Linda and your family.

  15. Gotta love Jenna. First comment all nice and sweet, the next one, all Jenna.

    Belated condolences to both you and Linda. 38 is way too young and I hope it gets easier with every passing day.

  16. Gotta love Jenna. First comment all nice and sweet, the next one, all Jenna.

    Belated condolences to both you and Linda. 38 is way too young and I hope it gets easier with every passing day.


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