
Friday, January 22, 2010

An extremely rare thing

Something happened today. On a whim. You'll never guess what it is. Here's a photo to help you guess.

I'm betting that nobody will correctly complete the phrase below. Even if some of the readers might be able to guess the activity the problem will be writing it out. Their brains will melt when trying to consider the very concept. They will be unable to do so because your guess has to be in the form of completing this sentence. "A non-gay married man voluntarily, of his own free will, without spousal hints, suggestions, requests, orders, entreaties, begging, threats, or the ultimate weapon - tears, has ... "

This is gonna be good.

In other news our dinner club (this time Shannon, Mel, Katie, Chris, Jill, Susi, Keith, Linda, and guest Kelly) met at the Highwood at SAIT. This is part of the curriculum for the students learning the hospitality industry. They plan the menu, cook, serve, clean up, and do whatever else happens. Some of you may be envisioning a filthy dump, serving Kraft dinner, pizza, and beer. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a classy place. Very classy. It's a great place to take your better half for a special dinner out, if you think of it far enough in advance to make reservations. The food and service were superb! Here's the menu (that link may expire, you can get to the current menu through the overall site for the Highwood.) Shannon's desserts, he got the sampler, were so elegant that Chris was taking photos. I think between us we had everything on the menu, or nearly so, with some of the people getting special stuff because of dietary restrictions. I've never seen staff so willing to cope with said restrictions, and explain the options. For what you get it's extremely reasonably priced. We were all very impressed.

I'm feeling better, almost back to normal. Today was supposed to be a swim and run day, but I knew I wasn't up for that. Within a few minutes of hopping on the bike I knew I wasn't quite ready for a normal spin session either. My lungs and throat could cope with warm up, but that's about all. My legs felt a bit stiff, and I could feel some calf muscles protesting once I got over 100 rpm. So rather than push it, I just settled in for about a half hour at an easy warm up effort. The plan is to go to the Sunday session and I'd like to start reminding my body what this workout stuff is all about, before Katie takes us through the wringer in her last session before her trip.

Lastly, for those that care about such things, this is post 600. Whodathunkit?


  1. Wow, congratz, I started my blog about the same time and I don't even have half that. You are such a talented writer though, every post is def. worth it. Keep on trucking(writing).

  2. consistency i the key to success! Great work, 900 and going! Good to hear you are getting better! thanks, you passed it along to me all the way from the west! Enjoy the weekend! Cheers

  3. 600?! Slow down!

    Glad you're feeling better.

    I think the "non-gay" comment should make everyone suspect something somewhat domestic. Especially with the kitchen/living space photos. I hope you baked. Cause I would gladly send my address for homemade Kanadian kookies. ;)

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the stove!!! LOVE IT! Ugh. I would die to have a gas range!

  5. 600 posts! Wow...congrats.

    hmmmmmm...did you clean the stove? (and by clean, I mean really clean it, not just wipe the crumbs onto the floor, or into your hand and then to the trash, because that doesn't count, at least in my kitchen it doesn't).

    I'm just askin'

  6. I'll go one step further and say you cleaned the entire kitchen AND living room...

    Dinner club sounds wonderful -- where are ht epics of the desserts? LOL!

    Congrats on 600 posts!! WOW!!!

  7. Hmm...that stove looks really clean. I love your little sitting area, it looks like the perfect place to sit with a book and a cup of tea!

  8. Congrats on 600....your quite the writer! I like the 2 chairs with pillows & blankets....look very comfy

  9. Is this the game?

    "A non-gay married man voluntarily, of his own free will, without spousal hints, suggestions, requests, orders, entreaties, begging, threats, or the ultimate weapon - tears, has cooked and then cleaned the entire kitchen including the stove (and by clean, I mean really clean it, not just wipe the crumbs onto the floor, or into your hand and then to the trash, because that doesn't count, at least in my kitchen it doesn't)."

    Did I get it right?

  10. You baked TWO DOZEN cookies for Teh Loose Moose? And then cleaned up the kitchen and bought those pretty fresh flowers for Linda?


Looking forward to reading your comment!