
Friday, July 17, 2009

It's never too early for a post-race restorative cookie

Yesterday I was a slug. I had such good intentions, but I blame Amelia the Cat. She snore-onerated me about lunch time and I was good for nothing the rest of the day. I suppose that's not a bad thing before a race. Oh, except going to get the race package. Normal stuff plus a few goodies.

I got a little carried away and bought a new bike jersey. Can you believe it's a medium? A MEDIUM!!! Imagine that! I haven't fit into a medium anything since well, I don't know. A long time. XL was way large and flapped. They didn't have a large, but I really liked it, so I tried the medium, and it fits about the same as the large Speed Theory jersey. Today was a short bike and run just to remind my legs what it's all about. By 9am it's already warm and sunny.

I had fun on the bike for a half hour, going out and around the neighbourhood with some short accelerations. I tried my bike shoes with no socks to see how that feels, with the intention of doing Canmore without socks. So far so good.

Mom, Linda, don't read this para. Just let your eyes look over it. I was supposed to do several short accelerations. The first one, after a nice warmup, happened to find me at a stoplight. I raced a cement truck off the line on Anderson Road, easing up only after he passed me, when I was going 48 Kph.

The run was really good. Less than a 2 minute transition, and found my run legs almost right away. Started off brisk, with a really high turnover rate, then settled into a good pace. Did periodic sprints or pickups or whatever you want to call them. I was shocked to find the first K at 6 minutes, and the second at 5:30! I'm not sure, but that's pretty close to a record for me, and I wasn't even working all that hard. I was mainly concentrating on keeping my feet light and fast.

Linda made cookies last night. I take my cookie QA/QC duties very seriously, and these are excellent. They should hold me over between the race finish and the excellent lunch well be getting. I'll start gathering my stuff up for the trip out to Canmore after hitting the publish post button. I'll be staying in Canmore with my buddy Alan and his wife Lori this evening. Thanks guys! If you aren't familiar with the race, there are two transitions, so it takes careful packing. I'm feeling rested and relaxed about it. More when I'm done. I'll even pack the camera so there might be pics.


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