
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wind + Hills = HARD!

It was windy today. Or so I found out *after* I started my bike ride. I went down Road to Nepal to get in my hill workout, and the way down was wind wind wind all the time. I tried to keep my head down and power through. It was strong enough that I was about 25 Kph slower than normal going down hills into the wind.

I wasn't feeling strong, so it was turning into a bit of a suffer fest. One hill I was barely making 5 Kph and a sudden gust had me ready to unclip because I nearly stopped. All I could think about was that the way back I'd be able to sit up, relax, and be blown all the way home.

Unfortunately, it wasn't to be. I still had to pedal, and it didn't help me downhill as much as I thought it would. Max speed was only 84.6 Kph. I'd been getting a little chilled riding into the wind, and was warming up a bit coming back. The very last part of the ride I could feel my legs coming back and starting to feel a little stronger.

It took 1:17 to get to the bottom of the road, and 1:01 to get back, for 2:18 total, which is 22.3 Kph average. Except for the wind, it was a beautiful day for a ride.


  1. yup, wind was coming from southeast which would have been right at ya! i lucked out. must have had a bit of shelter because it wasn't too horrible on the hill. getting there was tougher! good ride!!

  2. Road to Nepal for a Tuesday workout. I am totally slacking! Gee, funny that the wind keeps changing direction. Guess that might be the deal on race day. :)

    Good ride! What are your ride plans this weekend?


  3. Yup, that wind was a blowin' yesterday! Only thing here, was that it normally blows from west to east. For the last couple of days it has been opposite...I make the "grimacing wind face" now! LOL!!

  4. I am a sucky as my rides are in the early mornings when the wind has not had a chance to get up...I am in for some rude awakenings over the next 2 months when my rides start to get longer!!

  5. I hate windy bike rides. Hate them. Good work getting through it PLUS the hills. Oh and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better in the pool.


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