
Friday, June 26, 2009

Not much to say here

Swam the other day, a little bit. Didn't push hard, and seemed to have a good feel for the water, but I didn't go far. Didn't feel strong. Did some core work. As soon as I got home, I had a power nap for 3 hours.

Walked about 45 minutes fairly quickly on Wed. I ended up running to catch a couple lights and could feel that in my shins a bit.

Rode today about 40 minutes easy spin around the neighbourhood. My spin sucked, very jerky and clunky. Not smooth. The stretching and core work was ok, but my legs still feel weak. That's the best way I can describe it. Nothing actually hurts, but there's no endurance there at all.

Overall I feel fine, as long as I don't tackle anything too ambitious. I think the next thing to try is a moderate ride, maybe 2 hours max, on a fairly flat course, and see how things are. Such nice weather, it's a pity not to be out running or riding, but to all things there is a season. And at the moment, the season is to give myself a bit of a break.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes rest is best for the body and mind! You've gained too much, you won't lose it. Enjoy the time and do somethings you've been meaning to do...other than s/b/r. Cheers!


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