
Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday bike and run

Today was a solid bike and run workout. As soon as I woke up I was a bit itchy to get on my bike. We're supposed to get some rain today and tomorrow, and I'm hoping that will wash some of the guck off the roads, and perhaps on Sunday I can take Estela for the first outdoor ride of 2009. She's not so fond of the mounds of gravel on Calgary streets.

15 min warmup
15 min one leg drill, accelerations
3 x 20 min work / 5 min easy. Work was 90 rpm in a gear that gives 24.5 Kph. This took my heart rate to the top of zone 2 or the bottom of zone 3, nice and steady. Legs felt good and strong, but my butt got a bit tired of doing nothing but pedal for 20 min. Nibbled a cliffs bar and a banana during the bike. I was thinking of doing a 4th, but decided not to. Sunday is normally the longer workout day.

1.75 hr bike
5 min transition, no rush, stretched briefly.

45 min run. Nice and easy, again, at the top of zone 2 mostly, except when I ran to beat a light. Let's call that a stride, shall we? It took a little while to get the heart rate back down. I found a stride within 5 minutes of leaving the house, and chugged along at my regular pace. Could have gone on longer but there are things to do today to get ready for friends coming over for dinner. GH gets BBQ rack of lamb for his birthday. With an avocado oil lime marinade. Try not to drool too much.


  1. good for you! I passed my PIYO class but am going for a hike with my dogs later, it's always inspirational to hear someone else striving for fitness, God only knows it gets harder each year!

  2. I'll be over in a that cool? I'll bring a bday gift, promise! Looks good.

  3. DROOL!!!! Ummmm, my birthday is on April 24....

    Just sayin'!


  4. Oh, I love the sound of that marinade. Where did you find that at?

    Nice job on your ride and run too. The weather is nice for riding, but I'm not so fond of all the gravel out there either!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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