
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Only the bike

Yesterday as a rest day was so nice. We drove down to Turner Valley, checking out the roads. There's still lots of gravel and crap on the shoulders. It will be a while before they are ready to be ridden on. Had a big breakfast at the Chuckwagon. Their food is so good, and you need to be hungry going in there. I was. Over to do some shopping/browsing in Black Diamond, then down in High River where we visited our favourite pottery shop. Hit Okotoks on the way back, but the stores we wanted to visit were closed. Cruised up Deerfoot to check out where Linda will have to be going to yoga, now that the studio is moving. Hung out at home, went to bed early. Slept like a rock, in spite of all the coffee during the day.

Today is a bit more active. Puttering about the house has happened, and is happening. Skype has been installed. Laundry is being done. Cookies are being made. (Linda snuck them into the oven before I got a chance to QC them, so I have no idea what kind.) Tidying is in progress.

And the bike workout. Warmed up for about 20 minutes, at variable gears and rpm. Then, settled into 90 rpm, at a pace where I wasn't panting, but was needing to breath deeply, regularly. I was thinking of it as a race pace. Stayed there for 30 minutes, just pedaling, focusing on keeping an even stroke. Barely paused to wipe away sweat, and I was sweating like a stuck pig. Did a few minutes easy to dry off a bit, and get more fluids into me. Settled into the Tuesday workout I missed. TT plus a gear, 90 rpm + gears, hill climbing seated and standing, MAP's, 15/15, a bit of everything. Cooled down. 2 hours altogether.

Stretched 30 minutes after. This stretching thing is good. I'm going to try to keep up with it. There's a book taking up residence there, called Yoga Anatomy. It shows a bunch of different poses, and shows the muscles affected, tells you what the pose is good for, what the challenges are, and how to mitigate them. Some are easy, some are very hard.

Oh, and I have to tell you about lunch. Remember the lamb that was roasted on Friday? It's from Grazing Acres, at the Farmer's Market, and it's totally to die for. Tender, not fatty, and just fully of lamby goodness taste. While at the market we got some Grizzly Gouda from Sylvan Star Cheese. These guys have won prizes for their cheese. With a roasted red pepper mustard, on gourmet bread from Cob's Bakery. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT'S a sandwich! I won't need to eat again today. But I just did. Had to test the cookies. Chocolate chip. More MMMMMMMM!!!!

Weekly totals
Swim 4 hr
Bike 3.5 hr
Run 1.5 hr
Total 9.0 hr.
Before a couple weeks ago, this would have been a huge week for me. Now, after the last couple weeks, it seems like a relaxing easy week. Now I'm ready (I hope) to gidyup and go for next week.


  1. That cheese sounds divine -- you deserve that fuel after such hard bike workouts!! :)

  2. You're going to rock this year's events! Congrats on such a good week - that sandwich (and cookies) sound delish - perfect reward!

    Oh, and I'll tell you all about reality TV over the next couple months. :)


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