
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Running outdoors in shorts and tech shirt

Which has been nothing but a dream here for months. First things first. This has been a big workout week so far. I was dragging my tail into the pool. Still I got a good swim in, once I pushed the really slow breastroker into another lane. Another busy day there today.

Don't know what it is, but I've got major chlorine face today. Throat has a tickle in it, and my face feels like it's still in the pool. And that's after a shower. And later, now that I've had the run and another real shower, I've still got it.

250 m warmup
two sets of drill, trying for better form and pushing a little harder. My arms were tired at the end of this.
Then some steady swim, moderately fast, trying for good form. 40 minutes overall. Then 20 minutes in the dive tank for more core. I actually went back into the pool and cranked out a few more lengths. 1 hr altogether.

Today is so nice out I ran in shorts and a tech shirt. Long sleeved, but still. It felt great. Stretched lightly, walked 5 minutes to warm up, then ran 60 minutes non-stop. This was up the pathway to Glenmore, and back again. Susi never would have made it. There was a ton of dogs. It was practically a doggy convention. Walked a little longer coming back to cool down, and was actually feeling a little cool coming back into the house. Stretched, ate lunch.


  1. oh. shorts. shirt. ahhhhh. spring will come.

  2. i had a fellow ask me if i'd take his dog for a run tonight! haha. i was like 'sure!!' he obviously had no idea who he was asking...

    i did stop and pet my friends dogs too. yup, i never would have made it through the run. haha.

    man i had major pool itch today too. maybe they are upping the chlorine content all over alberta?!

  3. It was practically a doggy convention.


    Yay for shorts and tech shirts with no coat, hat or gloves. I love this weather too!

    P.S. Loved the duct tape suggestion. Will definitely consider it :).


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