
Friday, November 14, 2008

Thurs spin

Butt still sore, could feel it instantly as soon as I got on the bike. Warmed up a bit, then got off to stretch a bit, and get a break. Arm was still tired from Tues, and decided to be careful.

Greg did one leg drill from hell. About halfway through my legs fell off, right there onto the floor. I did the acceleration drills though, got up to 190 rpm for a few seconds.

Then some long aerobic sessions. Even in an easier gear, I found it tough to maintain the cadence. Couldn't get comfortable on the bike, legs felt very soggy.

Physio appt this morning. She's really pleased at my progress, and has given me some new exercises to do. Looks like two root canals on my two front top teeth, and then assess how it goes.

90 minutes bike.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great bike workout, Keith! Way to go -- even with soggy legs. :):)


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