
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Swimming Contemplation

Wed night was a nice meeting with IG, to eat BBQ chicken, check out the T shirt, and plan upcoming plans. I'm cleared to swim and bike all I want, but need to go easy on the running till my left hamstring is feeling 100%

Thursday was crappy weather. KS, my wonderful massage therapist came over. Let's just say there are lots of tender spots in the hamstrings and she worked me over pretty good. I whimpered a little, but it was a good hurt. Stretched after.

Friday I rode home from work all the way down the Bow to Fish Creek, and across. The formal path is still closed behind the cement plant, but if you stay on the east side of the Bow, there's a gravel road to follow to where the path starts up again. Just south of Deerfoot there's a bridge to get back on the right side of the Bow again. Pity they don't pave this chunk and make it the path. That avoids the hill up into, and down out of Diamond Cove. I averaged just over 22 Kph, and took just under 2 hours to get home. If I hadn't explored doggy central where the path dead ends I'd probably take 15 minutes off. Some stretching after.

Sat morning was 1500 m in 30:29, with more stretching after. This was the first swim since well before Chinook where I've kept track of time and distance. I was hoping to be right on 30 minutes, but didn't feel like pushing quite that hard. Sort of odd feeling to swim without a wetsuit, though I don't miss the extra shoulder resistance.

Lots to do around the house today. Must bottle wine, excavate desk, get caught up on laundry, prep for a bbq with friends here tomorrow, and lots more. If I get time I'll go for a ride this afternoon, or maybe tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, and I collected that number for the first time in a while. The month of taper, and recovery sure made themselves apparent. 234. And I didn't even get any bridge mixture out of it!

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