
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hill repeats repeats repeats

I sure loved sleeping in this morning, and not having to fit in a workout before going to work. Makes it easy to get to work before 7am. Picked up Linda on the way home, Co-op for more fruit (man am I ever going through fruit now!) and got ready for ride.

I drove out to the bottom of Road to Nepal, then checked out what I thought was a big hill on the road to Okotoks. It's not so big as I thought. Then I doubled back, and headed south again. It turns out to be almost exactly 183 Km from my house to oh, say, Blairmore, going down Road to Nepal, down this road that comes out near Black Diamond. Only problem is that its a ford, and I'm not taking my car or Estela through it. Going via 22X and 22 adds about 20 Km.

Came back and parked near the bottom of the first hill heading north. This hill turns out to be exactly 1000 m long. It starts off easy, then gradually gets steeper and steeper, then it eases off, but you're only half way. It isn't as steep as the hill the other night, I don't think. I didn't even hit 80 K on the way down. booo.

I was up the hill 6 times before my legs told me they were tired of this game. I probably could have done a couple more, but not as hard, and I don't want to risk pulling anything in my calves. What with a bit of warm up and cool down it was 60 min. Here's the times and average heart rate up the hill. Peak was past 140 on each climb.
1 - 5:13, 132 (I think this was just a bit short of 1 K, there's no obvious marker at the top.
2 - 6:02, 130
3 - 6:05, 129
4 - 5:39, 134 (pushed really hard, stood up a bit)
5 - 5:43, 134 (pushed hard)
6 - 6:12, 132


  1. your heart rate slays me dude. haha! it's so low!! which is good.

    amazing how hills that look big, really aren't when you start riding up them!

  2. Man I'm not sure I'm breathing at 132!

    I love hill repeats day!

  3. 183 km from my house to your house...hmmm. That's doable! Heh-heh-heh.

    Way to rock out on the hills! You are back in action, my friend!!

    Kelsey -- You'd be in a coma at 132, LOL!!!!


Looking forward to reading your comment!