
Monday, June 2, 2008

Vulcan Tinman is THIS Sat! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!

Somehow it just recently sunk in that this coming Saturday I'll be getting packed up and driving down to Vulcan for my very first tri. For me, when it's a date, its somehow just out there, sometime, and I'll get to it soon enough. Next week is real to me. I've begun the planning to make sure I take everything. It's looking like rainy weather for the day, but who really knows?

The heats are posted on the site, and mine is at 2:45. I'm 1014. I'll probably still get down there early. There are a few people I know in it, and it will be fun to watch them. Some of my friends are promising to come down for the spectacle, I mean, to cheer me on. I'm not making any predictions or having any expectations about time.

Swim this am was short and sweet. I wanted to do some intervals and remind myself of what it's like to swim near my top speed, such as it is. Well, the elbow owie I got on the weekend protests a bit doing that. Just a little under full speed is fine.


  1. YAHOOOOO!! Keith -- I am going to try and come and see you. Vulcan is only an hour and a bit away from here.

    I am so excited for your first tri!!!! :) :) :):)

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I can't wait to cheer you on - I have the pom poms Julie sent me too!!

  3. Have a great day this weekend. At my very first Tri in Arbour Lake a good buddy of mine said to me before the race:

    "You only get one - first triathlon so enjoy every moment of it".

    Good luck!

  4. yes enjoy!! you will do fine. now that i met you i know what you re capable of - i see it being a great day for you!!

  5. I'll be at 1:45! You cheer me on and I'll cheer you! Deal?


Looking forward to reading your comment!