
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So can I make today my time trial, please?

What a great swim this am!! At first I was disappointed to see 2 people in the fast lane, but then I soon realized they were motoring along. The other guy was swimming just a bit quicker than me. The other girl swims about the same speed but stops periodically.

So I put my game face on and joined in. The other guy was slowly gaining on me, but finished his workout before he caught up. I made some minor changes to my stroke, but mainly I was determined not to get passed. The first 100 m was 97 seconds without trying. At the 500 m mark in just over 9 minutes, I realized I had a really good thing going, and dug deep to keep it up. I think I faded a bit in laps 12-15 or so, but picked it up again for a strong finish. Oddly enough, I did not channel the shark.

1000 m in 18:38 for a new personal best since I started all this! I felt fast and strong. If I hadn't done a bit of a sprint in the last 50 m, I could have kept going for a little while anyway. Maybe not to a 28 min 1500, but who knows? This on the very next swim after a 19 minute K just about popped my lungs and I felt slow.

Bring on spin class!

On second thought, let's not. I felt blah getting on the bike, and felt pain throughout. Back in 2 spots, butt in all the spots, legs all over, arms, ect. Yuck. To be honest, I essentially dogged it the entire workout. I was on the bike for 1.6 hrs, but I don't know if I'm going to count it toward the weekly total.


  1. holy shite keith, that's friggin awesome!!! great job! you are going to rock the swim at chinook!!! hopefully you did this with swim trunks on of course. :P

    must have been something in the water this morning as i had a great swim too!

    yay for both of us!!!

  2. yeah i bet he swam naked!!! that's why he went so fast!! Sometimes the best workout comes on the tails of the worst one (or in your case the none one).....

  3. The shark wore his birthday suit today!! LOL!

  4. Freakin' awesome swim man. 18! I'd be happy with a 20. Forget channeling the shark man, you are the torpedo! (insert the obvious naked swim joke here)


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