
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Run!

My run went so well today! The IGP™ was for 60-70 minutes 11/1, so I decided that 5 sets would be good, for a total of 72 minutes. The weather was perfect, and towards the end I was only slightly overdressed. Lots of people on bikes were in shorts.

As you'll see from the map, I started running down the path, past the weir. I sort of thought the path continued past Blackfoot, but ended up crossing and heading back. I hoped the loop would come out about right. When I got to get to the half way point, which was on the south side of the Bow between the weir and railway bridge I didn't want to go back over the bridge at Blackfoot. So I kept going.

Up to the 50 minute mark I felt great! Heart rate was in the low 120's, except for a few strides now and then when I felt like it. At 50 I started getting tired. This was where the zoo road meets Memorial. I knew I didn't have much more to go, but also knew that I wouldn't quite get back to the car on 72 minutes. So I picked up the pace just a little. On my last 11 run, I started near the zoo, well before the turn to the Nose Creek path. I stepped up the pace to about 135 beats per minute, and pushed the legs a bit harder. I didn't quite get back to the car at 72 minutes, but it didn't take another whole minute to get back, so I didn't miss by much. The legs still felt good, and probably could have continued at the low heart rate pace, but I'm glad it wasn't any longer at the fast pace. (At what I think is a fast pace for me!) I did some stretching back the car. Throughout the day my legs have felt great.

I didn't have the semi-mythical runners high, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The best part was when I came around a corner in a little park in Inglewood. An older lady is standing there, and as soon as she sees me, she starts shouting. "Come on boy! You can do it! Come on, push! Get'r done!" I'm a little nonplussed, since I've never seen her before, and she's looking right at me. I take a few more steps, and then see this little dog near some bushes where I couldn't see it at first. Taking a dump. I grinned all the way back to the car.

Here's some numbers.
72 minutes
9.25 K overall
124 Average hr
142 peak hr
91 min hr
1127 calories
overall pace about 7.7 Kph
best pace 9.25 Kph, on the last 11 min run segment


  1. you should have squatted next to the dog ;)

  2. I'm always afraid of waving back to someone who isn't actually waving to me. :) :)


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