
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Early run, upupupuphill spin

My wife has starting working a somewhat different schedule now, starting at 7am instead of 6:30. What I used to do was drop her off at work then do my workout. Well, now my workouts are getting longer, and I have less time. Even though I don't have to show up at any particular time at work I thought I'd try my run from home, before leaving for work.

I just happened to get up at 4:30, got dressed, and headed out for my run.

4 x 12/2 for 56 minutes, about 6.25 K, with a slow start to warm up.

I didn't wear my heart monitor, so I might not have pushed it as hard as I could have, but I was more concerned about paying attention to my footing than my pace. Most of my neighbours are pretty good about shoveling, but not all. Overall it went pretty well. I was in the groove for a while, but as soon as I thought about it, I feel out of the groove.

Spin this evening was going up a mountain in France, near Grenoble that makes Richter look like a baby. If I remember the numbers it's 15 K long and gains 1.8 K. We did it in 1 hour.

Total ride time of 1:50 or so, with warm up and cooldown. I was sweating a bucket, but my heart rate kept going down. My legs were getting tired so there probably wasn't as much effort. Toward the end my toes were getting cold, and they were cold all the way home, and are only warming up now.

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