
Friday, March 28, 2008

Swimming toward the re-taste zone

In the pool at 5:30 or so, feeling pretty good. There was an open lane closest to the lap clock so I took it over and made it mine. I was swimming next to M, who is steady as a rock, back and forth, a little slower than me. She swims 4K every day. I like swimming near her because I have to be doing everything right to pass her. If I settle in behind her for 50 m or so, I've got my breath and timing back.

1K 19:30, easy, relaxed, working on stroke mechanics, rolling a bit, going for long and smooth.
8 x 100 m all between 100 and 105 seconds, on a 2:30 start. End of the 8th was getting sloppy, and I could read the warning signs for the retaste zone. I started 9 anyway, but at about 35 m my arms fell off, and I started getting a cramp in hams and in arch of my foot, and the fine print on the warning sign was getting easy to read. After a few stretches and getting my heart and breathing under control again, I did 200 m of junk swimming to cool down. A bit of one arm, backstroke and slow front crawl.

20 minutes core and flexibility in the dive tank.

Total 1 hour.
Overall pretty good. Going to try to spin tonight, if I can gnaw free of the desk chains in good time....

Oh, and that number is 235.


  1. whoo hoo.. i love graphs that go down :)

  2. ohh I love a good visual.

    105 100m I dream of that day!

  3. dude - you rock!!! can you believe how much you've lost?! you really need to send that to terry.

  4. dude - you rock!!! can you believe how much you've lost?! you really need to send that to terry.

  5. And keep in mind that where the graph starts is already after I lost about 20 pounds.


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