
Monday, March 10, 2008

Road to Nepal update/wish list

Thanks qtlibrarian for the link to map my ride. I found a link in to the Road to Nepal, giving elevation and everything. I didn't quite take that route on the weekend, so I don't know what the pavement is like on the return stretch.

I did a quicky 5 K ride around the neighbourhood to figure out where the kilometre-stones are, so I can press the lap button at the right time. What a beautiful afternoon. Pity I was in the office.

And Julie, you're making us all drool with this talk of not having to share a lane. Sigh.

My tri wish list:
my own 25 m indoor pool.
I'll settle for a lane to myself to swim in.
New tire and tire changing tools and other necessary spares.
watt meter (it just sounds sooo frickin pro to say I trained at 250 watt pace for an hour last night.)
wetsuit that fits right, being big and tall, but slowly getting smaller
find the sunscreen that comes in stick form
to be worthy of getting an Orbea Ordu tri-bike (
to survive the road to Nepal in its several variations


  1. Keith...

    Your tri wish list: My assistance in getting you what you want.

    1. Endless pool. Who needs 25 m when a current in a pond will do.

    2. Tire stuff - easy one.

    3. Watt Meter ... I know, I wanna sound tough to ....

    4. Wetsuit - do any fit right? Mine are always too long ...sigh....
    5. Sunscreen stick - walmart has them for kids ... various colours but they do not get into your eyes so great for face an dlips and ears etc....
    6. we are so doing that road to Nepal!!!

  2. Actually, I didn't forget personal masseuse. Her name is Daphne, and she brings a table to our house every three weeks or so and typically does me and my wife. You cannot imagine how nice it is to not have to drive after a massage.


Looking forward to reading your comment!