
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Riding the road to Nepal

Wow. That's all I can say. So many firsts. Here's the numbers, just to get them out of the way.
51.89 K total trip
2:40 trip time
19.43 KpH, average speed
67 rpm, average cadence
82.0 Kph, max speed (WHHOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
126 bpm, average heart rate
149 bpm, peak heart rate
86 bpm, minimum heart rate
2695 calories.
The first half was 1:26, and the return was 1:10. I rode out of our neighbourhood, down 37th street to 22X, then south on 773 to 549 or whatever it's called that goes from Millarville to Okotoks, then turned around and took the same route back. Since Jenna asked so nice, I tried to put the map here. After getting thoroughly pissed off I've given up on trying to embed the map in my blog. No matter what I did, I was just getting a blank space. But if you go to
you should be able to view it just fine. I hope. Or, had another idea later, here's a screen shot of it.

It was supposed to be nice, but it started off overcast and cold. By noon or so it had warmed up a bit, so I decided to dress and leave. I wore a bit more this time. Two pair of socks, my tights, a fleece jacket between my shirt and wind jacket. That was just about right. The ride south was into the wind the entire time. Mostly it affected going downhill, and the only consolation was that it would help me up them on the way home. But there were a few uphills where I had the hill and the wind. That's no fun. You spend forever going up, and the down takes mere seconds.

There are some serious hills on this route. Serious. Hills. I didn't time myself or do anything fancy. I didn't want to know. I just wanted to get out there and get back under my own steam. This was harder by far than any spin workout. There were several times where I looked up to see lots of hill left and me in the granniest gear. There's no choice but to dig in and keep going, and going and going. But I didn't visit the retaste zone, and I'm surprised my heart rate was as low as it was. My calves sent several stiff Notes of Complaint, but kept going. Serious snack after getting back, two bananas with alternating smears of peanut butter or Nutella, with a glass of milk. Once I finish my shower, I get onto the massage table.

Longest ride by far to date.
Fastest I've ever gone on a bike. Estela was rock solid and willing to go faster. Turns out about 100 rpm in the top gear is about 60 Kmh.
First time riding this route.
First time trying Perpetuem. Not bad, but the flavour doesn't do anything for me at all. I ended up usually having some of it, then having some water. I think I'll try something else rather than buying a big jar of it.

Weekly totals
Swim 1.8 hr
Bike 6.16 hr
Run 1.75 hr
Total 9.75 (And I'm done my IGP™ for the month.)


  1. that sounds like a totally awesome ride!!! Go read my blog and map to ride out for us :) pretty please :) Great week!!!

  2. mmmmm, nutella... awesome ride dude! you and jenna are both my heroes for getting outside already. i'm too much of a wuss. it needs to be warmer. that sounds like a great ride, i can't wait to get out there and do it.

  3. Way to go Keith!! Don't you just love blasting down hills? My fastest speed has been 80 km so far - I LOVE IT!! Awesome ride Keith!!

  4. WOW!! Holy hannah you got some hills :) I SO WANNA RIDE THAT ONE!!! Awesome job!!! And I can se the map IN your blog:)

  5. Holy Hills is right...great ride!! Me thinks we from sask need to make a road trip to Nepal!!

  6. Nice ride...I am gonng have to try that route sometime. My Bragg Creek ride gets boring sometimes--pretty sad I say that.


Looking forward to reading your comment!