
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

4 lap spin session

You'll know what kind of day I had at work when I say I was looking forward to the spin session tonight so I could relax and take it easy, one thing at a time. Constant gogogo ZOOM! I normally try to eat about 4pm in prep for spin session, but that didn't happen till 5, and I knew I was eating too fast, and I didn't get enough to drink this afternoon. I was hoping it would all turn out right, and it did.

The IGP™ tonight started with some one leg drill. I actually survived a minute each, well above 60 rpm, though I was going clunk at the top. The next two on each leg were only mumblety seconds. Then we started the main set, a 4 lap race course, 15 minutes each lap. This is another course in coachland, since there's only uphill and flats. He mixed it up for us a bit to keep it fun, with an all out sprint in the last minute. I got up to 100 rpm in the hardest gear for about 30 seconds, then slowly faded a bit, and had to drop a gear or two to maintain 100.

Total 2 hours, with all but a few minutes under 120 bpm.

Saturday is looking nice, so I'm planning an outdoor ride, hopefully a couple of hours. I even (gasp) bought a perpetuem package to try on the ride, and see what happens. There must be cheaper ways to buy it than a single serving package.


  1. Keith --you are a triathlon animal!! What a great workout. You can but Perpetuem in those big monster jugs like protein powder. IG sells 'em. Not from his trunk, but from the store!! LOL! IG could have a long black coat, whip it open and say,"Wanna buy some Perpetuem?" :)

  2. You do Tuesday's? I should switch and join you next Tuesday night! Great workout! I've had days like that at work were I can't wait to get out of there so I can go kill myself on the bike!

    Ha Julie I love that image of IG but you have to add a fedora!

  3. "Pssst.... You wanna buy a letter C" IG could be like the dude on Seseme Street for sure

    Great work out Keith !! And Awesome swimming.

  4. "Pssst.... You wanna buy a letter C" IG could be like the dude on Seseme Street for sure

    Great work out Keith !! And Awesome swimming.

  5. Yes, I only do the spin session at Speed Theory on Tuesday's. At first I didn't think I could take two big tough spin sessions in a week, but maybe I could now. However, I live way SW and work in the NE so the transit back and forth is a bit of a pain in the behind. It would be great to see you there on Tues!


Looking forward to reading your comment!