
Friday, February 15, 2008

Short intense swim

500 m warmup 9:06 (yahoo!)
10 x 50 m in 45 seconds, on 1:30 start
250 m 5 min cool down
15 min sloooooowwwwww core and flexibility in the dive tank.

Played with my stroke a bit during the warmup, rolling a little more and looking for muscles that weren't contributing to the pull. The intervals drove my heart rate up into the 150's, which is about the highest it's ever been during a swim. But it used to be I could only do 4 or 5 of these, now I got to 10 before my arms started to get sloppy.

240. Oh, and my resting heart rate this morning was 48 bpm. Never seen it that low.

Now read my next post so you understand the poll.

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