
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Name contest

Before starting at IMS, I swam at Canyon Meadows pool (The Fast Pool). After starting I swam at Bob Bahan pool (The Geezer Pool). Then I realized that Renfrew was a bit more convenient and tried it. That's worked out pretty well, so I'm swimming there 2 times out of three in a week. However, till now, I didn't have a nickname for it. Well, now I do. It's the FOMC pool. You get a chance to guess what that stands for.

It being the first day that New Years fitness resolutions begin to crash and burn, the facility was full today. Oddly enough, the pool itself had about the usual number of people in it. However, it was really warm today. Hot. Swimming was slow. Well, one girl was doing butterfly, 25 m at a time. Better her than me.

250 m warmup 4:45
10 x 50 m in 50 seconds, on 1:15 start. (and had to work to keep this pace!)
250 m cooldown (nominally anyway) 4:40.

20 min pool pilates, fighting for space in the dive tank. I goofed and didn't do my spin workout, and have a book club meeting tonight, so I guess I'll do a longer spin on Thurs.


  1. I hope you are planning to publish these posts someday...they are so great!! And I have no idea what FOMC could stand for...

  2. Thanks! I'd not thought of publishing them. But maybe. Susi is trying to convince me to write a book explaining the Floating Elephant Theory. Maybe I could put that with the blog material. hmmmm.

  3. FOMC - well it starts with the f bomb .....


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