Saturday, October 20, 2018

Another bit of Fish Creek fall colour

A week ago we had some snow, just a little bit. I headed down into Fish Creek between bridge one and two just as it was stopping. The odd thing was that I saw only a few people and nobody on a bike. Yet there was many footprints well off the beaten path, and the same bike track everywhere. It was a lovely day for a walk.

The path behind the learning centre. The light through the last bit of falling snow was great!

If you trudge west along a path that says it's closed at the other end, you end up in a construction zone. Step back a few feet, and the construction zone becomes almost invisible. There isn't even a hint of ice on the creek, and the water isn't even particularly cold. Don't ask how I know that.

This little section is almost deep enough to swim in.

 I was working on catching the light off the creek, but what I see here isn't as magical as what I saw in real life.

Bridge 2. It's my favourite, and perhaps the most photogenic bridge in Fish Creek. You might have seen this on instagram.

I'm often looking for lines, implied or otherwise. Lines create patterns, or point to things, and generally lead your eye around a photo. It took a bit of doing to find a nice angle for this fence. Kind of a pity there wasn't something more dramatic in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Love the reflections in the third one. Sounds like a wonderful ramble. Looking forward to doing more of those myself once I'm "between jobs".


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